Thursday, 30 May 2013

50 Facts About Me

1. I'm left handed and strangely enough most of the friends I've made in my lifetime have been left handed as well. Three out of my five best friends are lefties.

2. My background is a mixture of Irish, Scottish, English, Dutch, Prussian, German, and a tiny bit of  French. 

3. I love Disney movies.

4. Me and my friends love taking ugly pictures and one of my friends has THE ABSOLUTE ugliest pictures of me and I'm genuinely scared for the day they resurface. It'll most likely be my wedding day...

5. I wrote an article to the newspaper in the third grade about the city cutting down a bunch of trees to put in a highway and with the article I sent in a picture of myself. At the time I had extremely short hair and looked just like a boy so they put in the article that I was a little boy and instead of "she said" they put in "he said"...I never cut my hair short again.

6. I love turnip. 

7. I love pickles so much I used to drink pickle juice. Unfortunately, I ruined my stomach by doing that and can't eat pickles anymore without getting a wicked stomach ache. 

8. I have had 5 jobs since the age of 14. I have never been fired though!

9. I absolutely love country music. 

10. I was on my high school rugby team for 2 years. 

11. I was in an Arbor Day poster with two other friends in grade four and I thought I was pretty cool because of that...haha I need to get over myself.

12. My family has had 4 cats, 1 dog, a morning dove, baby sparrow, guinea pig, hamster, 4 rats, 3 mice, a million fish, stick bugs, two frogs and a leopard gecko not all at the same time, but over my lifetime. 

13. I drove into my grandparents brand new garage doors when I first got my license and slightly dented the car inside the garage, as well as basically ripping the garage doors off. Oops. 

14. I have two sisters one two years older and one two years younger.

15. I was named after my granddad.

16. One time my sister and I were playing in a tent and I tickled her foot and she kicked me in the eye accidentally and gave me a black eye, and it was picture day the next day at school.

17. I love coffee but I'm extremely caffeine sensitive.

18. I have naturally curly hair. 

19. I had braces for almost four years. 

20. I have a fear of barfing.

21. I can't tan, it just won't happen.

22. I have an extreme phobia of bellybuttons. 

23. I have four piercings, all of which are on my ears. 

24. I love doing laundry.

25. I hate flowers. 

26. I used to think if I took a chicken egg out of the fridge and kept it warm, it would hatch. UPDATE: it doesn't.

27. I played the violin for 3 years when I was younger.

28. I choke more than the average person. One of my friends has given me the heimlich remover at least three times and I owe her my life.

29. I love to cook and bake. 

30. I tried learning Swedish when I was younger just for fun and can speak a tiny bit of it still. 

31. I hate apples unless they're cooked into something. I haven't eaten a raw apple since I was 12...that's almost 10 years!

32. I took ballet and irish dancing as a child.

33. I love peanut shells but I hate peanuts...haha not weird at all...right? 

34. I need glasses (and have glasses) but I never wear them.

35. I'm afraid of the dark.

36. I have been to France, Spain, Las Vegas, Bahamas, Cuba, Florida, New York, Arizona, Los Angelos and stopped at an airport in Belgium but I don't think that counts because I never left the airport. 

37. Me and one of my friends always do accents (usually English or Australian) just for fun but sometimes we try and fool people in to thinking that we're actually from those places and that were just visiting Canada, most of the time it works!

38. I hate writing in pen it's too permanent and too much of a commitment for me. 

39. I'm obsessed with Yogurty's...

40. I've never smoked cigarettes and never will.

41. My sisters and I used to play "the fighting game" basically we would hit, punch and kick each other but we couldn't scream, cry or make a sound cause then our parents would hear and the game would be over. It was really just to get our anger out (we had ginger rage you see) but, it was also pretty fun most of the time...only problem, was that my younger sister bruises like a peach and went to school with bruises everywhere and her teacher noticed asked where they were from and my sister replied "the fighting game." Our mom had no idea we were playing this. Needless to say, our mom was called to the school and got an ear full, sorry momma! 

42. I love pizza but then again who doesn't! 

43. I like to knit. 

44. I swear like a friggin sailor. 

45. I cry easily. If someone does something or says something beautiful, I cry. If I see something even slightly sad, I cry. I hear a sad song, I cry. I just literally cry at everything and if you know me, you just ignore it.

46. I sink in water, I can and love to swim, it's really hard for me to stay afloat. 

47. I used to want to be a funeral director. 

48. I love christmas more than anything. 

49. I believe in ghosts and aliens.

50. Sometimes I do things that I don't want to do because I fear that I'll regret not doing it later in life. I don't want to miss out on any experiences. 

I hope you guys enjoyed learning a little bit about me with my 50 facts post! I'd love to hear some facts about yourselves. Or if you have any comments at all I would love to hear them. Thanks for reading.


Monday, 27 May 2013

Simple Beauty Tips

Over the years I have come across and searched for a number of beauty tips. Not just any beauty tips but ones that I could do at home with materials that I would just have in my home already and wouldn't have to go out and buy. I've tried a lot of different beauty tips over the years but I have found these few to work the best.

For Whiter Teeth: Baking soda is an awesome natural teeth whitener and most people already have it lying around the house! All that you have to do is put a small pile on the palm of your hand, wet your tooth brush, dip it in the baking soda and scrub your teeth like usual. After about a week you should start to see a difference! Hydrogen Peroxide also helps in whitening teeth, but if you use this, just dip a  q-tip in the Hydrogen Peroxide and rub it on your teeth BUT be sure not to swallow any! Try one of these tips and you'll have a rad white smile in no time!

Natural Highlights: To get natural highlights in your hair in the summer time take some fresh lemon juice and rub it in the ends of your hair and sit out in the sun for a while (remember to protect your skin though!) and eventually you will notice your hair will start to lighten after a week or two of doing this almost everyday.

Smooth, Flawless Skin: This may seem absolutely disgusting but it works extremely well! Putting apple cider vinegar on a cotton pad and applying a small bit to your face and leaving it there for about 10 mins will make your skin flawless. Not right away though! It smells absolutely horrid when it is on your skin, it burns a bit and it makes your eyes water and your probably wondering why in the heck you would ever want to put it on your face or how I came to find out it works so well but it does. After a day, once my skin has settled, it looks refreshed, soft and clear. Although its gross the results are worth it, I recommend you try it!--it has to be apple cider vinegar though, no other kind!

Lighten Freckles: Lemon juice and apple cider vinegar both lighten the look of freckles. Lemon juice takes a bit longer to show results, but it definitely smells better.

Softer Ends: If you have "crispy" hair ends try putting a light, non-greasy face moisturizer on your hair before you go to bed a night. This way if it rubs on your face while you are sleeping it won't give you zits. Wash your hair in the morning and you'll notice your ends will feel a bit healthier.

Get Rid of Yellowed Nails: If you are an avid nail polish wearer like me, you may have experienced yellow nails. Yeah, I know, they're super embarrassing and gross but I have some tips to help! Make a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda and create a paste, so use more baking soda than lemon juice. It will fizz a bit but don't worry that will settle. Once the paste has been made put it on your bare nails and scrub it in a bit, leave it on your nails for about an hour then wash it off. Do this for about a week and you'll see the yellow go down. Sunlight also helps, so maybe sit in the sun for a while to expose them to some much needed Vitamin D.

Coconut Oil: Eating a spoon full of organic coconut oil a day is great for your hair and skin and overall well-being!

Clear Skin: Another remedy to get clear skin is real/organic maple syrup and crushed aspirin mixed together to make a mask. Yes, it's super sticky and a weird combo but the maple syrup is good for circulation and the aspirin gets rid of inflammation of the skin. It has to be aspirin though, no tylenol, no advil or anything like that, only ASA.

Hope you guys like all these beauty tips and that you try them out! If you do let me know what you think of them! 


Sunday, 26 May 2013

New Sunglasses

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

Seeing as the warm weather is on it's way (although it is lagging a bit here in Canada) I thought I would start shopping for some summer essentials! I came across a load of awesome sunglasses at none other than Old Navy! I don't usually shop here but I was with my sister who does and came across them. I fell in love with almost every pair I saw and tried on. Now, I usually have a lot of trouble finding a pair of sunglasses that I like and that fit my small face properly. But, this time it was the opposite, I couldn't pick just one! I ended up getting two pairs what do you guys think?

Cheeky Chat

Friday, 24 May 2013

How to Survive School

First off, I want to let you guys know that I am a rambler and sometimes I have trouble spitting out what I am trying to get across, especially when writing! So, I have a YouTube Channel that I may use to put some videos of explanations or stories of things I may have mentioned on here to better explain what I was talking about. However, I also have a couple other videos on there just of random things too. I'm not trying to promote my channel to you guys, honestly! I just thought I would let you know that when my posts aren't making sense to you or I'm not explaining things well, my YouTube Channel would be an option to get a better grasp!

Anyway, this post is going to be talking about tips on HOW TO SURVIVE SCHOOL. Since I am practically finished all my schooling for the rest of my life (scary but happy thought) I thought I would share some tips that helped me survive.

1)  Make as many friends as you can. Now, these don't have to be your "BFFLS" but from experience, it is always nice to make friends with as many people as you can. If you have a class with them and  you fall sick and miss school, they can get the homework for you and let you know what you have missed. It is always nice to see someone in the hallway to say hey to also. Your best friends are the ones who will get you through everything else school life and life in general throws at you.

2) When you are given an assignment--do the assignment. It's as simple as that! The worst thing you can do to yourself is wait until the last minute to do something. When you finish things early you give yourself time to go back and check it for errors or areas that could be improved AND relieve yourself of unneeded stress, you'll have enough of that already! This tip is especially important for university students!

3) Keep calm and don't be so hard on yourself! Staying calm is key. Nothing is ever as important as you think it is, all you need is the motivation to finish what you got to finish the best you can. Personally my parents never pressured me to do anything, they cared how I did in school but they never told me that I "needed better grades" or "wasn't doing as well as I could" or just flat out "wasn't working hard enough!" They were happy with whatever my sisters and I were able to do. We all had enough personal motivation to get good grades and for my older sister and I to get in to university. I knew some people in school, however, who weren't as lucky. Their parents put pressure on them to do well and I saw how it stressed them to keep up to their parents expectations. I didn't know what that was like but I can't imagine it was good! But, honestly, I think those students would have done just as well in school without that extra stress! So, if you are one of those kids/young adults that have parents like that, I'm not telling you to not listen to them, but, don't let them stress you. I hate to say "YOLO" but it is true, you only live once! Life gives you so many opportunities if you look--sometimes they show up out of no where, no looking needed! So never fear if you don't get the grades you think you should get. Life always has a way of working itself out.

4) Get your sleep.

5) Understand don't memorize. I was taught this since a young age but I never took it to heart until grade 12 and onward. I was never (and honestly still aren't) really a good reader. I am one of those people that reads something but doesn't retain anything, goes back to read the sentence again and repeat. I hated reading with a passion so when it came to school I was never able to understand things completely (also because my teachers were unfortunately no help when it came to answering my questions). It was only when in the end of grade 12 that I decided to try my hardest to read my textbooks and try and actually comprehend what I was reading and eventually things started making more sense and understanding what was happening in class was much easier. I still don't like reading but I was able to read all assigned readings enough to understand the class. TIP: this is a strange tip because you would think that listening to music would add on to the difficulty of concentrating on what I am reading but I can't read anything without music on, maybe you should try it and see if it works for you! (headphones are best--for me at least)

6) Take your vitamins and eat healthy! You can't afford to be sick!...and it just sucks to be sick...

7) Take time to study for exams and/or tests. Make study notes, they organize your class notes and your thoughts and makes it much easier to study.

8) Have fun! As I said before, don't stress out! It is just school after all, you have so many things ahead of you in life that are so much more important than that history quiz you have next week. Make sure to hang out with your friends, spend time with your family, go to the movies, what have you! Find time for you to chill and relax, you're still young!

Thanks for reading!


Thursday, 23 May 2013


Hey there everyone!

So, I guess this is my introduction. I'm not going to say what exactly this blog is going to cover because I'm a scatter brain and I can't actually commit to one concrete topic (I have commitment issues), so who knows what I'll end up going on about! I'll narrow down the possible A to Z and everything in between to beauty, fashion, health and travel. The reason I have picked these four topics is because these are the things that I have the most interest in and are most likely to be the main focus of most of my blog posts. But, as mentioned earlier, I will probably talk about everything under the sun in addition to the main topics.

I guess I should maybe introduce myself in this introduction, eh? My name is Alex and I'm a 21 year old girl from Canada (explains that "eh" up there--just kidding). This is my first "real" blog. I have another blog that I am currently working on for an online summer course I am currently taking (last class then I'm done university y'all!). However, I have to write my blog on a topic chosen by the professor so, I'm not really getting in to it that much. But, it opened my eyes up to the blogging world which I have come to enjoy! So really it is my summer online course that brought me to start a blog about some things that I am passionate about.

I'm not sure what else to say in this introduction other than that I hope you guys keep checking up on what I post about and that I hope you enjoy all that I chatter on about!



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