how's it going everyone?
as some of you may know i've been rather unsuccessfully searching for a job. i thought i wouldn't have any problems finding one seeing as all the university students have left for school and high school students are at school during the days. but it seems i was wrong with that assumption. WHERE HAVE ALL THE JOBS GONE!?
i'm still on the search but in the mean time i'm literally doing nothing productive during the days. my parents are cool with it and say it's actually a great opportunity for me to sit and think about what i actually want to do for the rest of my life since most people my age don't have that opportunity. my sister for example didn't go to university but got a job at my mom's work as a general admin. right out of high school. she's worked her way up to office manager which is amazing but she is really unhappy at her job! it pays her bills but she wishes she had gone to university or college so that she would have had more opportunities to try something different. she also moved out at 16 and has had two homes, mortgages, and other such bills to pay for which i never really experienced. when i left for school i was 18 and i came home to visit rather often and my school bills were basically payed for through a scholarship and my granddad's help (thanks granddad!). my sister had help from my granddad for her houses as well since that wouldn't be fair if i got money for school and she didn't. but it was still a struggle for her to stay afloat. it is just funny to see how our different choices have put us in such different places right now. the funnier thing is, we're both jealous of each other right now! i wish i had a job to make some moolah and she wishes she wasn't working so she could test the waters with different job options. although my parents are cool with this, i think my grandparents are panicking a bit haha they're concerned for what my future is going to look like (40 year old me living in my mom's basement is probably what's floating around their heads). so, that, my sister should be thankful she doesn't have to deal with.
a couple days ago i actually had a great entrepreneurial idea. it's a secret for now though muahaha;) anyways i've been like a mad scientist in my kitchen experimenting with different things. if it turns out, which hopefully it does, then i'll share it with you guys. i hope to sell it when it's perfected:)
stay cheeky!
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