Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Tuesday Blues

I'm writing much earlier than I usually would today, I woke up feeling a little distraught. Actually this whole week I've been feeling a bit out of sorts. I keep having those dreaded late night "I can't sleep so I am going to examine every aspect of my life" thoughts and frankly I'm driving myself a little insane. I keep thinking about where my life is headed, if I like where it's headed, what I'm doing with myself right now, what job I'm going to have, what job I should be looking for...blah blah blah. Honestly, I feel quite lost. Also, (here comes my crazy cat lady talk) my cat Homer has been really sick the past two days, I have suspicions that someone in my neighbourhood isn't too fond of cats and might be leaving something out for him that might have made him sick. But, I am hoping those suspicions aren't true! Anyways, I'm keeping an eye on him and hoping he gets better sooner rather than later. I digress, back to my depressive talk, I know that I am not the only one who has these lost, out of sorts, rampant thoughts and that it's really just a normal part of life. We're all trying to figure out the meaning of life and our purpose in this life even if we don't want to admit it! So, I thought I would share some music with you guys in case you're feeling the same way as me lately. Music is always my go to thing to calm myself down and bring me back to reality. It's universal everyone gets music, right?

Mree will forever be my favourite singer she isn't very well known as far as I know but she's f****** amazing. This song in particular can calm me down and bring me back to reality even when I'm in my most distraught state. Do your ears a favour and LISTEN.

Dallas Green is absolutely amazing as well, and from St. Catharine's Ontario, which is where I went to University and close to my hometown. He is so genuine and you can hear this in all his music. His voice is angelic. What makes a man is one of my favourite songs of his. 

Daughter has a lot of awesome songs, Medicine, Candles and Youth are my favourites. They have such a subtle yet powerfulness to them. I always listened to her when I was pulling all nighters trying to finish 5,000 word essays while away at school, glad those are over with and glad I had Daughter to help me through!

And last but not least, Bon Iver! I can't show you some of my favourite songs without mentioning Bon Iver. Every song Bon Iver has ever done is the s***. Actually just Bon Iver himself is the s***. His songs bring me to an instant state of calm. Some of my favourites of his are Holocene, Stacks, Towers, and Love More. Love More is actually my favourite favourite which is why I chose the link for that song but also I noticed a lot of people have not heard Love More by him, it seems to have slipped through the cracks a bit which saddens me because it's so amazing! So, if you haven't already heard it, take a listen. 

Have an awesome rest of the week everyone, stay cheerful and stay cheeky!


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