1. walking is the best way to explore some place new. your feet can bring you to many cool places that a car can't. it's also good exercise.
2. the popular "must-sees" around the world are great, but it's the places that nobody talks about that are cooler.
3. if your bag is so heavy you can't lift it, you have a problem. only pack what you need, odds are you probably won't wear half the clothes you packed!
4. bartering with someone is a skill. a skill you should learn.
5. people hearing about your travels are as inspired by them as they are envious. just remember that.
6. sleeping on airport floors is gross and extremely uncomfortable but you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes. who knows it could be more comfortable than the bed you may get in your hotel room.
7. postcards may seem lame, but trust me, anyone who receives one will love it and probably keep it forever. it's the thought that counts!
8. try and learn the language of the place you're staying in. you don't have to be fluent but it can really help you out if you get lost, are ordering food or just trying to say a friendly hello.
9. write about everyday. believe me, there are some things you forget, no matter how fun they were in the moment!
10. you'd be surprised how small the world actually is.
11. go with the flow, don't let anything stress you out. everything always turns out.
12. if a street performer made you stop and stare, they deserve a couple bucks.
13. deep fried cactus is actually pretty good. slimy but good. but then again, everything deep fried is good.
14. be careful of the water where you are. it can mean sickness if you're not careful.
15. always carry snacks.
16. coconut water is like water of the gods. it can cure anything. it will give you diarrhea if you have too much though.
17. lose your passport, you're fucked. guard it with your life.
18. home sickness comes as fast as it goes.
19. sunscreen is a necessity.
20. celebrate always.